How I found my way to Bioenergetic Therapy

I have been asked several times, how I found my way to Bioenergetic Therapy, so I would like to share the shortened version with you.

While I was practising as a registered massage therapist (one of my several incarnations), I had a client who was in the Bioenergetic training program in our city.

I wanted to know something about this therapy, thinking it would be helpful in my massage work with this client. I was invited to attend a workshop weekend.

The week before the workshop, my mother died and I almost cancelled.

With encouragement from my client, who felt this would help me with my grief, I attended.

The International trainer leading the workshop that weekend worked with me. It was such a powerful and profound experience, it moved me to  enter bioenergetic therapy soon after.

I realized as my therapy progressed, there was more to work on than my grief over the loss of my mother.

Several years later, I entered a Bioenergetic training program, and here I am today, a practising CBT.(Certified Bioenergetic Therapist)

I am so grateful for what bioenergetic therapy has brought to my personal and professional life.

 Mitzi O`Keefe CBT